The University of Buffalo’s Pharmacy Building, recently added a 160,000 sqare-foot facility for the new School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. EMI sources within the facility included two primary transformer units, primary duct banks, 3000 Amp Unit Switgears, feeders which traverse the first floor, and six electrical closets.
To assess the potential EMI impact, Vitatech preformed simulation emission profiles of the peak to peak loads to determine the environmental conditions for staff and students within occupied areas in close proximity to EMI sources. Emission profiles indicated that the switchgear and transformer equipment located within several electrical closets, particularly those on the third and forth floors, reached field levels between 83.2 mG to 249mG.
Vitatech designed, fabricated and installed AC ELF Magnetic Shielding Systems inside the main switchgear room and all electrical closets on floors one through floor to obtain the recommended 10 mG compliance for long-term Human Health & Exposure and minimal EMI problems with laboratory equipment. Final testing of the shielding systems recorded attenuation levels of -27.9 dB, indicating the magnetic fields were reduced by 98% and higher in most mitigated areas.
Pharmacy Building
EMI/RFI Site Testing, Utility & LV Electrical Distribution Simulations & Impact Analysis, EMI/RFI Shielding Designs, Fabrications & Installation & Final Commissioning
Buffalo, NY